Have you noticed the growing number of people wearing rubber bracelets? The silicone wristband first gained popularity when children, teens and adults all began wearing rubber bracelets with the words "What Would Jesus Do?" or simply "WWJD." Since then, these bracelets have gained even more popularity. In fact, these custom bracelets have become a great option for marketing a business, spreading messages and promoting causes or charities.What are Rubber Bracelets?Rubber bracelets are quite simple in design. In fact, they only measure about ½ inch wide and almost look like an oversized rubber band. Nonetheless, this simple silicone wristband has caught on among nearly every age group and makes for a great souvenir, prize or promotional item.As the popularity of these custom bracelets has grown, so have the options for colors and designs. In fact, these rubber bracelets can be purchased in all of the following designs:• Embossed - a bracelet with raised lettering• Debossed - a bracelet lettering that is imbedded• Glow in the Dark - may or may not have lettering, but the entire bracelet glows in the dark• Printed - the lettering is printed onto the bracelet in a different color• Segmented - the bracelet is broken down into multiple colors• Swirl - the colors in the bracelet have a swirled patternThese rubber bracelets are also available in many different colors, including white, black, various shades of reds, various shades of green, various shades of blue, various shades of yellow, various shades of purple, various shades of orange and more.
Why Use Custom Bracelets?
There are many different uses for custom bracelets. Businesses, for example, can use rubber bracelets to promote their business. They can accomplish this by giving a silicon wristband to every person that makes a purchase or even by giving away the custom bracelets at community events. Organizations can also use rubber bracelets to gain awareness about the organization or simply to spread a certain message. Animal protection organizations, for example, my use rubber bracelets with the message "Love your pet" or another similar message in order to raise pet awareness.Custom bracelets may also be used to help with fundraising efforts. Schools, for example, may sell "spirit bracelets" with their school name on them to students. Not only does this help to promote school spirit, it can also help raise funds for special events, clubs and athletic groups.
Why Use Custom Bracelets?
There are many different uses for custom bracelets. Businesses, for example, can use rubber bracelets to promote their business. They can accomplish this by giving a silicon wristband to every person that makes a purchase or even by giving away the custom bracelets at community events. Organizations can also use rubber bracelets to gain awareness about the organization or simply to spread a certain message. Animal protection organizations, for example, my use rubber bracelets with the message "Love your pet" or another similar message in order to raise pet awareness.Custom bracelets may also be used to help with fundraising efforts. Schools, for example, may sell "spirit bracelets" with their school name on them to students. Not only does this help to promote school spirit, it can also help raise funds for special events, clubs and athletic groups.